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tinge of 意味

"tinge of"の例文


  • tinge of
  • tinge     1tinge n. (ほのかな)色合い, (かすかな)香り; 気味. 【動詞+】 assume a religious tinge
  • a tinge    a tinge 一味 いちみ
  • tinge     1tinge n. (ほのかな)色合い, (かすかな)香り; 気味. 【動詞+】 assume a religious tinge 宗教的色彩を帯びる The note of defiance in his voice carried with it a tinge of doubt. 彼の声の反抗的な調子にはかすかに疑いの念が伴っていた I felt a
  • tinge with    どことなく~の漂う
  • with a tinge of    ~の色彩を帯びた
  • a tinge of red    a tinge of red 赤味 あかみ
  • add a tinge of    ~を加味{かみ}する
  • greenish tinge    緑色がかっていること
  • religious tinge    宗教的色彩{しゅうきょうてき しきさい}
  • tinge of blue    うっすらした青み
  • tinge of irony    皮肉めいたところ
  • tinge of red    赤のほんのりとした色合い
  • tinge of regret    一抹{いちまつ}の悔恨{かいこん}の情
  • tinge of superstition    迷信深いところ
  • assume a religious tinge    宗教的色彩{しゅうきょうてき しきさい}を帯びる


  • okay , i heard a definite tinge of satisfaction in your voice .
  • while the enthronement ceremony for the emperor in china had a strong tinge of mutual acknowledgment between the emperor and subjects , it seems that there was room for a religious concept concerning the enthronement ceremony for the emperor in japan which is based upon the myth of the descent to earth by the grandson of the sun goddess .
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